Aurora Cruz

Aurora Cruz

Licensing: 812579

Aurora M. Cruz has been a real estate agent since 2023. Her professional background consists of working in the legal field as a Paralegal and/or Legal Assistant for over 28 years (also a Notary Public). The knowledge she has gained in that field working closely with attorneys in critical court cases, allows her to help her clients more diligently in their real estate transaction. She truly understands that buying or selling a home is so much more than a transaction, she believes it's a life-changing journey for her clients and her heart is in serving people and changing lives.

Mrs. Cruz’s extensive experience in the legal field has taught her so many important responsibilities that require close attention to sensitive documents; but most importantly, it's taking the initiative and the lead in many stressful situations, much like what is needed in the real estate business. She takes her fiduciary duty as a Real Estate Agent very seriously and will work closely and carefully alongside you every step of the way until meeting all of your needs. One of her greatest qualities is that she genuinely cares about people and is someone that you can put your full trust in, especially with one of the greatest investments you will ever make in your life.

She is also bilingual being able to speak, read, write and translate in Spanish and is ready to serve you and your family.

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