Travis Rice

Travis Rice

Licensing: 823163

Travis Rice is a seasoned problem-solver, dedicated to making your goals a reality. Drawing from a rich background across various industries, Travis brings a unique perspective to every challenge, ensuring personalized solutions that exceed expectations.
Travis has a background spanning from door-to-door sales in pest control and solar industries to a short stint as a loan officer. Prior to sales, Travis honed his analytical skills as a marketing analyst for prominent fashion and tech companies. Notably, Travis founded a solar company that achieved nearly $5 million in transactions in its first quarter and helped establish a pest control office that grossed $8 million in its inaugural summer.
His expertise lies in digital marketing and direct-to-consumer sales, driven by his passion for continuous improvement (Kaizen), history, and aesthetics. Currently, Travis dedicates his weekends to achieving this goal while also honing his skills in rock climbing, competitive shooting, research, and enjoying the diverse food that the San Antonio area has to offer.

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