It's finally Fall! We're in the season of Halloween, changing leaves and cooler weather. And with the introduction of a new season also come new preparations that we should make to our homes to prepare them properly. We've gathered the best tips, which are sure to be helpful.


1. Clean those Gutters

Fall is the prime time for our leaves to fall off the trees, and while they may be fun when you're jumping into a big pile of them, they can be annoying and even harmful when they get clogged in your gutters. When our gutters get clogged, they can overflow and lead to water damage. To avoid potential damage to your home, grab your ladder and clear out any leaves or other debris, like sticks and branches, from those pathways. It also makes for a cleaner appearance on the outside of your home.


2. Prepare your Heating Service

Even though it may not be completely cool outside yet, it's always best to prepare our heating service for when the cold weather does come. Make sure your heating system is running smoothly to ensure you've got the heat you need when you need it. This includes replacing your air filter, checking your outside unit, and scheduling a maintenance check. It's something that isn't too difficult. All it takes is just a quick routine check from an HVAC professional. You can call them, and they'll come to your house to thoroughly inspect and clean your entire system.


3. Fertilize your Lawn

You can protect your yard during fall and winter by fertilizing it. It will help regenerate roots that may be loose. Like many animals that go into hibernation, your yard is the same. Give it a good feeding before it goes dormant.


4. Clean your Fireplace and Chimney

Before you fire up the fireplace for your cozy night in, it's always best to clean your fireplace and chimney. After each lighting, soot and ashes can build up, exposing your home to smoke residue and potential fire flare-ups. You can start by shoveling up leftover ashes and then disposing them in a metal trashcan. Next, use a shop vac to suck up stray ashes from the hearth, fireplace, and mantle. Finally, finish by spraying a bottle of water, vinegar, and dishwashing liquid that you can easily scrub off with a sponge. Your house and health will thank you for it.

5. Weatherize Windows and Doors

Another great way to ensure that you're keeping precious heat in your home is to weatherize any windows and doors. If you don't seal them properly, you could lose lots of heat, which will only cause your gas and heating bills to skyrocket. The great thing is this is something you can even do yourself. You can add weather stripping, a layer of lining designed to protect any cracks from drafts. You can also add caulking around, which is a very inexpensive way of sealing windows. However, this method does require a little experience, so be sure to research the correct type of caulk to use and how to develop your technique. For more advanced procedures like adding extra insulation, it would be best to call a professional, as they're the ones that can do the job the best.


6. Check Smoke Detectors

The last and probably one of the most essential tips is checking your smoke detectors. These early warning devices alert your family to fire and dangerous smoke while there is still time to evacuate. And like any other part of your house, we need to test them to help ensure their function. We know that there's nothing better in the fall than lighting a scented candle in your bedroom or a fire in your living room to set comfort and coziness in your home. Still, don't jeopardize your family's well-being by not taking proper precautions first.

Many of these tips and tricks are some you can do yourself, but we’re always here if you need some recommendations, references, or even further advice! You can either contact us through our website or give us a call at 210-801-9115. We also have our FREE 24/7 consultations where you can text 210-801-9115 and someone will respond right away to help! It’s easy and convenient for you!