A parade, a handshake, a salute, and “thank you for your service” this Veterans Day are all well and good, and a great avenue for the American People to show their gratitude for the service the Military and Veteran Community has so bravely given to our nation. While you enjoy these, I ask you to reflect on the journey that has kept these points of gratitude coming and the actions you have taken and will take to ensure that they keep coming for future generations of Warfighters beyond our years.   


I want you, yes, you, my fellow Warfighters and Veterans alike to look in the mirror and ask yourself, “What have I done today to show the American People that service does not end with retirement?” 

I believe there has never been more of an important time for us, the Military and Veteran Community, to stand up and show the world that we can do it too! But equally important, we have a duty to those to our left and right, and the families of those who have fallen, to show OUR PEOPLE, the Warfighters and Families, that THEY CAN DO IT TOO! 

The military has taught us so much and provided us with opportunities that most people can’t even fathom. From the hard lessons on the battlefield to the global experiences that Military Service has given us and so much more. I implore you to take advantage of these experiences and use them to create opportunities and WIN…!!! Don't WAIT, CREATE! 
Transition can be tough, trust me, I know it firsthand. I struck a 400lb Improvised explosive device, and everyone in my vehicle was killed, with the exception of myself. I was pulled out of a burning vehicle by one of my teammates, and I had an incredible journey of physical and emotional pain that still exists in every breath that I take. BUT... I also have realized that I bear the responsibility to take full advantage of the life I was blessed to live. The men and families who we lost that night will never be forgotten, and I carry them with me everywhere I go.  I owe it to them and their families to live the most amazing life humanly possible, period. 

Back to transitioning from service... It is fair to say that today, we are better positioned for a successful transition than any prior generation of warfighters our country has had. It's time for us to take action and WIN!  To show the world, and our people that we can do it too!  

Winning is not just defined by money or business success. Not to sound cliche, but be who you want to be!  We all have our own unique thumbprint, own it, and tell your story proudly.  Whether you want to be a soccer coach at a YMCA, or perhaps a community leader, or volunteer, these are all examples of Veterans Winning, and there are so many more.  


The ones who came before us, and specifically our Vietnam brothers and sisters, paved the way for what we have now. They stood up right after those towers fell on 9/11 and said, “NEVER AGAIN!” And because they stood up and ensured that our road beyond service was smoother than theirs, we have enjoyed better benefits and more opportunities than any generation of warfighters in the history of our country. It is my belief that in order to preserve that generosity for the next generation of American Warfighters, WE MUST show the American People what they got for their investment in us.   
Let's not allow their struggle for fair Veteran benefits and support go in vain. Let’s show the people and families of our country that we have served, but also that our service doesn’t end when we take off our Uniforms and hang up our boots. We go back to serving our people, our community, and continue to put the American People at the forefront of all we do.   


This doesn’t mean we have to “return to normal.” Let’s face the facts: returning to civilian life is not the same as it was before our service. We have changed. The world has changed. We have to learn how to adapt to this new life and live the most amazing lives humanly possible.   


I write this letter during a time when the world is facing a far more increased potential to end up in a global conflict or War. I fear that if we as the Veteran Community do not do more to demonstrate to the American People that they have received a return on their investment in us, the next generation of warfighters will face pain that is far worse than what our Vietnam Veterans have ever faced.  


We cannot let the next generation of warfighters not enjoy the opportunities our generation has. I feel that it is becoming of us to ensure we preserve the American Support for our Warfighters, our Veterans, and their families. Without this support and the kindness and generosity of complete strangers, I certainly would not enjoy the life that I have today.    


So, let's Take ACTION! Don’t wait for the opportunities to come to you. Create Them! We all have opportunities presented our way every single day. The differentiator, however, is what you do or don't do with them.  
Thank you! 

Levi Rodgers