Dear Friends,

Many of you know my story and background, and as a person who has lost many friends in combat and post-service to suicide when the rigors of war follow them home. As Memorial Day approaches, I want to share my heartfelt thoughts on this significant occasion.

My transition from Military service to civilian life was not easy, but it got easier for me when I realized one thing: that the men and women who lost their lives defending the opportunity for me to have one would not want me to live a sad life, but a happy one. One that they didn't get the opportunity to continue. So, it was when I chose to take a step in a different direction, one of positivity and one of happiness, that things began to change for me. l was motivated by the fact that my brothers and sisters would want one thing, and that one thing is to live the most amazing life as humanly possible. But I will not do such without honoring them every step of the way, for without their sacrifices this opportunity we call life would be so, so much different. 

So, while you're having a great time, firing up the grill, scoring fantastic deals on appliances, and relishing the long weekend, realize one thing: it is absolutely okay. Memorial Day is a time to celebrate life, embrace the freedoms we enjoy, and create memories with loved ones. But amidst the festivities, I urge you to pause and reflect, for within this holiday lies a more profound significance. 

I can speak for my buddies that are no longer with us, as they are watching down. They won't want to see the American people and their fellow warfighters and families living a sad day, but instead enjoying their day, celebrating and enjoying the precious gift of life and freedom these men and women have given theirs to make it happen. They paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we, those who have life today and enjoy the freedoms here in The United States of America, can enjoy. So let's live the best life as humanly possible. Let’s honor our brothers and sisters by doing just that.

As you enjoy the precious moments of this weekend, take a moment, however short or long, to recognize and honor three integral communities that deserve our respect and gratitude:

First, let us never forget the Fallen—the courageous men and women who sacrificed in service to our nation. They willingly stepped into harm's way, driven by an unwavering commitment to protecting our dear freedoms. Their selflessness and dedication must be etched in our hearts forever. Then, as we revel in the joys of this weekend, let us remember their names, their stories, and the indelible impact they have left behind.

Next, I implore you to consider the Gold Star families. These remarkable families have endured unimaginable pain, losing a loved one who selflessly answered the call of duty. Their strength, resilience, and unwavering support deserve our utmost empathy and reverence. Today and every day, we stand with them, offering our support, love, and steady commitment.

Lastly, remember those who wear memory bracelets or have served alongside the fallen. They carry the weight of remembrance, honoring the brave souls they have lost. They hold the memories close, embodying the spirit of camaraderie and dedication that define our armed forces. Their presence serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made and the unwavering bond forged in the crucible of shared experiences.

In the spirit of the American Warfighter, let us seize this Memorial Day as an opportunity to celebrate life, cherish our freedom, and pay tribute to those who made it all possible. Let us raise a glass to our fallen heroes, express gratitude to Gold Star families, and extend a hand of support to those who carry the memories.

As you gather with loved ones, let the laughter ring out, the smiles abound, and the joy of this moment fills your hearts. And within that joy, may we never forget the price paid for our freedom.

In loving Memory of Brad, Shawn, Josh and Rasool. You and your families will Never be Forgotten!

With deepest respect and heartfelt gratitude,

Levi Rodgers