This month we’d like to recognize LRG agent Julien Buduri as part of our June Agent Spotlight! Julien has been working in real estate for over 2 and a half years and despite starting at LRG only one year ago, he has already cemented his place as an outstanding and hard-working agent. 


His passion for real estate helps him enjoy working with all types of customers, but he especially loves to work with first-time home buyers and investors, helping them see the world of real estate as an exciting and interesting environment. 


In fact, he knows that in a stressful area like real estate, it’s easy for many clients to get overwhelmed. However, there’s a certain personal motto Julien lives by that he loves to pass on to his clients.


“Walk by faith and not by sight”, he always says. “ While everything may not go according to your initial plan, there’s always an opportunity for it to work out in the end as long as you keep the faith.”


In addition to his confidence in faith, Julien also deeply values a strong work ethic and prominent commitment. There have been many times when the two qualities have aided him well with his work. 


His most memorable experience comes from serving a member of Military personnel as his client. His client was very busy, so communication was difficult and sparse. Julien knew he had to be especially attentive to his client’s wants and needs, especially with his tight timeline. He became 100% clear on his client’s wants and needs and was willing to scout out areas he thought the client would like, even taking extensive video tours to send back. His diligence impressed his client, resulting in Julien becoming his exclusive agent.

After busy days consisting of helping out clients, he loves to unwind with quality family time. Spending time with the people he loves is his favorite way to take a break from the bustling world of real estate. In fact, when he’s not in the office, he also spends his days helping out with a San Antonio organization that supports Rwandan and African families in need.


“It’s a great way to assist those who need a helping hand”, Julien says. “Everybody can prosper as long as they are given a chance.”

Thanks for your continued aim to provide excellence in all areas of your life Julien! We all appreciate what you do and are looking forward to what you can achieve in the future!