Spring is around the corner. With the warmer and more humid temps come…BUGS!  


The most common Spring creepy crawlies are mosquitoes, gnats, wasps, earwigs, ants, termites, spiders, flies, beetles, ticks, fleas and stink bugs. While most of these springtime pests are harmless, aside from being a nuisance, some threaten your family, pets, and property.  


Bug sprays are often harsh, irritate your sinuses, and can be unsafe for children and pets. Natural ways to get rid of pests are becoming much more desirable.  


The best way to prevent unwanted pests in the Spring is to keep things clean, remove clutter, and maintain your yard. Most pests thrive in wet or damp areas, places where food is easily accessible, and decaying leaves, trees, or brush.  


Here are some creative and natural ways to get rid of household pests:  


Wasps, gnats, spiders:  

Dish soap, vinegar, citronella, peppermint, lemongrass, and eucalyptus can go a long way. Mix water and dish soap for a quick and easy way to remove bugs from indoor plants. A 50/50 water and vinegar mix will also do the trick. Like most bugs, these guys do not like harsh-smelling oils, so strongly scented essential oils may also work. WARNING: Not all essential oils are safe to use around pets.  




In Texas, warmer weather means mosquito season. Mosquitoes can carry diseases like malaria. One way to limit the number of mosquitoes in your yard is to make sure there is no standing water on your property.  


Catnip plants are great for keeping mosquitoes out of your yard. Be warned, cats may find your yard extra appealing. Bonus: cats in your yard will control the mice and grass snake population.  


Another option is using essential oils like lemon eucalyptus oil, citronella, and neem oil, which can be effective when diluted in water or lotion. DO NOT use on pets.  


 Fleas & Ticks:  


Fleas and ticks are bothersome for both people and pets. One way to help prevent fleas and ticks from getting on your pet is to combine 1 quart of water, 1 cup of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar, and 1 cup of baby shampoo or liquid dish soap. Bathe your pet with this once or twice a month. Essential oils like lemongrass, peppermint, and eucalyptus oil can be diluted in a spray bottle or added to their shampoo to help repel fleas and ticks. WARNING: Not all essential oils are pet-safe. If you need clarification on what is pet-safe speak to your vet. 



Are there any other creative ways we missed to get rid of bugs? Follow and message us on Instagram and Facebook to let us know how you manage bugs in your homes!