Are you preparing to put your home on the market? It is important to know what you can and can’t control during the home selling process. When it comes down to it, there is a lot that may be out of your hands. And while it’s hard to sit back and wait, there are certain things that can be done to ensure that you get the most money possible, as fast as possible, and with the best possible terms. Ultimately, you can control three factors to help affect the entire sale: Price, Condition, and Marketing.


As the seller, you have total control in determining a listing price for your home. The worth of your house and other external factors like the surrounding competition and area’s fair market value can guide you to finding a reasonable price range. It’s a delicate dance, pricing your home correctly, so it sells quickly, making sure you don’t overprice it and risk losing out on the sale.  However, you can benefit from the expertise of a good Realtor. They understand the market, the neighborhood and will advise pricing so you can get it sold!


Another aspect you can control is the overall condition of your home. Dress your home up by freshening up your yard or adding a fresh coat of paint. Additionally, fix any underlying issues that could come up in future inspections. Buyers are going to be more inclined to buy a home that has been taken care of. Another option to really wow buyers, if you have the budget, is to enlist the help of their stagers, professional designers brought in specifically to enhance a home’s stylistic appeal to buyers. Our agents can help with that if you need.


The final factor a seller can control is the marketing provided for your home. Advertising is extremely important as it provides exposure in ways word-of-mouth communication cannot achieve. One of the benefits of working with an agent is that they have the resources and expertise to market your home properly. 

In the end, ensuring that your property is priced well, is in good condition and is marketed well gets your home sold. Not only will it help alleviate some of the stress involved in selling, but it also takes away any unnecessary risks that can cost you your time, energy, and money. 

Contact us today and one of our agents will guide you through the process of getting your home SOLD.