Everybody meet Dan Stakley! Dan started his real estate career here at LRG, where he has been working since 2020.

While he has experience selling all types of homes, he specializes in relocation situations, investment consultations, and being a buyer’s agent. He loves to put his special knowledge to good use when it comes to his clients.

As a retired Army Veteran, he knew the perfect place to begin the next part of his life was with The Levi Rodgers Real Estate Group. 

As Dan likes to tell others, “If you want to be elite in the military, you join the special forces. If you want to be an elite agent, you join the Levi Rodgers Real Estate Group.”

Now, he tries to instill proficiency and excellence as a part of his daily life as an agent. Once, there was a situation where Dan’s clients were in the middle of trying to buy a new home and sell their old home simultaneously. They were having trouble finding the right appraiser for the home they were selling, and with a quick closing period looming, Dan ended up cold-calling over 60 appraisal companies, unwilling to give up on his client and the deal. Despite there being a short turnaround before the deal died, Dan was able to use his wit and real estate knowledge to find an appraiser and protect his buyers from losing their home.

When Dan is not busy assisting his clients, he enjoys unwinding in any way that he can. Some of his favorite activities include spending time with his family, shooting pool, shooting guns, and drinking a nice glass of whiskey. In addition, he loves volunteering his time to help Veterans.

A particular organization that’s very special to Dan is the Broken Warriors Angels. The Broken Warrior Angels provide opportunities to many homeless and disabled Veterans who are suffering from low wages, mental illness, and job loss. By helping numerous Veterans across San Antonio get the help they need, their presence is extremely valuable to a group that often gets neglected. 

Since joining LRG, Dan has loved being a part of such a great and successful team. In fact, he prides himself on his exemplary mentorship and being on the number one team in San Antonio where everybody always works so hard. 

The LRG team is a great representation of his personal motto: “Have solutions, not excuses!” 

Dan, your persistence is exactly what we look for in our agents at LRG! Thanks for your determination and endless care.


Want to join our team? We are looking for self-starters who are motivated to keep up with our fast-paced office and uphold our commitment to Service, Guidance and Expertise for clients. We have a supportive team that helps to facilitate appointments and ensures that lead rotation is fair and fast. We are available from 8 am to 9 pm everyday if you need more information. Office: 210-331-7000; Text:  210-801-9115.