Heading into spring, you may be thinking about selling your home. Should you stay? Should you sell? How do you know when it’s the right time? We are here to help you with those answers. 

Right now is your best time to sell in order to make the most money, especially as more and more buyers are entering the market. The demand is high, but the inventory is low, so homeowners make a big profit when selling.  At LRG, it’s our priority to sell your house for more and we have the resources to help anyone in any situation. From programs to help get your house ready to sell to appraisals, we have the resources to get your house SOLD. 

We know that selling your home can be a big step and that’s why we want to be there for you.  It costs nothing to talk things over with one of our agents. Contact us for a risk free consultation. No pressure, we want to make sure you’re making the right decisions that work for you. 

Besides selling your home, there are many opportunities we can guide you through to make extra income in today's market to help you make additional income through real estate. 

  • Investing in real estate

    • Have a steady cash flow in a stable market where the worth of your money won’t be altered in the midst of inflation and a declining dollar value.

  • Renting your home 

    • Let us teach you how to properly rent your home out, where your expenses can be paid off and you can receive a profitable outcome.

  • Try Airbnb

    • There is nothing hotter right now than Airbnbs. Seen as the preference to pricey hotels, vacation-goers are attracted to their affordable prices and comforting aesthetics. It's a trend that people are continuing to love, making it hard to not make money off an Airbnb listing.

Our main goal is to set you up for success, where we can get you the most money possible, as quickly as possible. We meet you on your terms and your terms only. Contact us today to get started.