Meet Rhonda Chatham! Rhonda has been at The Levi Rodgers Real Estate Group for the past year and a half, and she has over three years of real estate experience. 

Her experiences have taught her a lot about selling all types of homes, ranging in a variety of knowledge that she loves to give to her clients, especially in San Antonio or its surrounding areas. Before her career in real estate, Rhonda worked as a physical therapy assistant. She says her heart has always been in helping people, meeting new people, talking with them and learning about their lives and their families.

One time, Rhonda worked with a buyer from Taiwan who did not speak English. While the buyer’s friend was her translator, they also had limited English speaking skills. It was a very challenging experience, but she knew it was important to ensure that her client understood every step of the home buying process. 

“Some conversations took a while to get through to ensure that she understood and was agreeable to whatever the next steps were,” Rhonda added.

Regardless of the difficult language barrier, Rhonda was able to get her client to the closing table, resulting in a happy purchase and a rewarding experience.

When Rhonda is not busy helping clients, she loves spending time with friends and family, and enjoys movies, music, and puzzles. Her family also participates in overseas missionary trips and Compassion International, which helps children in poverty.

Her personal motto is from the Beach Boys song: "Help me Rhonda!" with a little twist she added, “I'm here to help with all your real estate and home buying needs!”

Since joining the LRG team, Rhonda says she loves the way that everyone on the team is always ready and willing to help each other and they are genuinely happy to see each other succeed. 

“Joining LRG will mean success for your real estate business,” she says. “There is so much learning and growing as an agent that happens through the daily calls and weekly deep dives with Levi (Rodgers). The lead generation/opportunities are beyond what you are likely to experience at any other brokerage.”


Want to join our team? We are looking for self-starters who are motivated to keep up with our fast-paced office and uphold our commitment to Service, Guidance and Expertise for clients. We have a supportive team that helps to facilitate appointments and ensures that lead rotation is fair and fast. We are available from 8 am to 9 pm everyday if you need more information. Office: 210-331-7000; Text: 210-801-9115